
How to implement Sliding Window Rate Limiting app using ASP.NET Core & Redis

What is A Sliding Window Rate Limiter#


Startup Redis#

docker run -p 6379:6379 redis

Create Project#

dotnet new webapi -n SlidingWindowRateLimiter --no-https
namespace SlidingWindowRateLimiter.Controllers
    public class RateLimitedController : ControllerBase

Initialize The Multiplexer#


Inject the ConnectionMultiplexer#

private readonly IDatabase _db;
public RateLimitedController(IConnectionMultiplexer mux)
    _db = mux.GetDatabase();

Add a Simple Route#

public async Task<IActionResult> Sliding([FromHeader]string authorization)
    var encoded = string.Empty;
    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization)) encoded = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(authorization).Parameter;
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encoded)) return new UnauthorizedResult();
    var apiKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(encoded)).Split(':')[0];
    return Ok();
curl -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" --user "foobar:password" http://localhost:5000/api/RateLimited/single

Sliding Window Rate Limiter Lua Script#

  1. 1.The client will create a key for the server to check, this key will be of the format route:apikey
  2. 2.That key will map to a sorted set in Redis, we will check the current time, and shave off any requests in the sorted set that are outside of our window
  3. 3.We will then check the cardinality of the sorted set
  4. 4.If the cardinality is less than our limit, we will
  5. 5.Add a new member to our sorted set with a score of the current time in seconds, and a member of the current time in microseconds
  6. 6.Set the expiration for our sorted set to the window length
  7. 7.return 0
  8. 8.If the cardinality is greater than or equal to our limit we will return 1
local current_time ='TIME')
local trim_time = tonumber(current_time[1]) - @window'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', @key, 0, trim_time)
local request_count ='ZCARD',@key)

if request_count < tonumber(@max_requests) then'ZADD', @key, current_time[1], current_time[1] .. current_time[2])'EXPIRE', @key, @window)
    return 0
return 1
using StackExchange.Redis;

namespace SlidingWindowRateLimiter
    public static class Scripts
        public static LuaScript SlidingRateLimiterScript => LuaScript.Prepare(SlidingRateLimiter);
        private const string SlidingRateLimiter = @"
            local current_time ='TIME')
            local trim_time = tonumber(current_time[1]) - @window
  'ZREMRANGEBYSCORE', @key, 0, trim_time)
            local request_count ='ZCARD',@key)

            if request_count < tonumber(@max_requests) then
      'ZADD', @key, current_time[1], current_time[1] .. current_time[2])
      'EXPIRE', @key, @window)
                return 0
            return 1

Update the Controller for rate limiting#

var limited = ((int) await _db.ScriptEvaluateAsync(Scripts.SlidingRateLimiterScript,
    new {key = new RedisKey($"{Request.Path}:{apiKey}"), window = 30, max_requests = 10})) == 1;
return limited ? new StatusCodeResult(429) : Ok();
public async Task<IActionResult> Sliding([FromHeader] string authorization)
    var encoded = string.Empty;
    if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(authorization)) encoded = AuthenticationHeaderValue.Parse(authorization).Parameter;
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encoded)) return new UnauthorizedResult();
    var apiKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(encoded)).Split(':')[0];
    var limited = ((int) await _db.ScriptEvaluateAsync(Scripts.SlidingRateLimiterScript,
        new {key = new RedisKey($"{Request.Path}:{apiKey}"), window = 30, max_requests = 10})) == 1;
    return limited ? new StatusCodeResult(429) : Ok();
for n in {1..20}; do echo $(curl -s -w " HTTP %{http_code}, %{time_total} s" -X POST -H "Content-Length: 0" --user "foobar:password" http://localhost:5000/api/ratelimited/sliding); sleep 0.5; done
HTTP 200, 0.081806 s
HTTP 200, 0.003170 s
HTTP 200, 0.002217 s
HTTP 200, 0.001632 s
HTTP 200, 0.001508 s
HTTP 200, 0.001928 s
HTTP 200, 0.001647 s
HTTP 200, 0.001656 s
HTTP 200, 0.001699 s
HTTP 200, 0.001667 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-4af32d651483394292e35258d94ec4be-6c174cc42ca1164c-00"} HTTP 429, 0.012612 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-7b24da2422f5b144a1345769e210b78a-75cc1deb1f260f46-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001688 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-0462c9d489ce4740860ae4798e6c4869-2382f37f7e112741-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001578 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-127f5493caf8e044a9f29757fbf91f0a-62187f6cf2833640-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001722 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-89a4c2f7e2021a4d90264f9d040d250c-34443a5fdb2cff4f-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001718 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-f1505b800f30da4b993bebb89f902401-dfbadcb1bc3b8e45-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001663 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-621cf2b2f32c184fb08d0d483788897d-1c01af67cf88d440-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001601 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-e310ba5214d7874dbd653a8565f38df4-216f1a4b8c4b574a-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001456 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-52a7074239a5e84c9ded96166c0ef042-4dfedf1d60e3fd46-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001550 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-5e03e785895f2f459c85ade852664703-c9ad961397284643-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001535 s
{"status":429,"traceId":"00-ba2ac0f8fd902947a4789786b0f683a8-be89b14fa88d954c-00"} HTTP 429, 0.001451 s
