
Run the Sample Application#

> git clone

> cd redisearch-getting-started
> cd sample-app

> docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
  1. 1.Redis Stack instance on port 6380, and import all movies, actors and create indexes
  2. 2.The Java, Node and Python REST Services available on port 8085, 8086, 8087
  3. 3.The frontend on port 8084
  • http://localhost:8084
  • http://localhost:8085/api/1.0/movies/search?q=star&offset=0&limit=10
  • http://localhost:8086/api/1.0/movies/search?q=star&offset=0&limit=10
  • http://localhost:8087/api/1.0/movies/search?q=star&offset=0&limit=10

Stop and Delete Everything#

> docker-compose down -v --rmi local --remove-orphans